What can I say! Why?
So let me see….. “you roll up some leaves, wrap them in paper, put it in your mouth and set fire to it”??
Doesn’t make a lot of sense, does it? Yet, despite this, and in spite of the overwhelming evidence, smoking is still a major international problem.
I would acknowledge that years ago we didn’t really know how bad smoking was for health. Well, I’m afraid the jury is out, there remains absolutely no doubt. Smoking will kill you, not if but when. That’s if you are lucky! Worse than that is the misery of a stroke, heart failure, amputation and endless suffocation from emphysema.
I am fully aware that it can be difficult to give up smoking. However, I also believe that the only way to give up smoking is to want to, and the first thing to accept is the need to give up. Once that mental battle has been won then there are multiple methods available to help with the physical aspect, and your local GP will be the best starting point for this.